Superstar Avatar-The Science of Celebration

Here you find writings, musings and rantings from Prof Violet (A.K.A. Scott) on all things Superstar Avatar - The Science of Celebration

Monday, May 24, 2004

Invocations to Superstar Districts- Allegoria and Shamandala

Praise to whimsy, wonder and delight!
May the heart of us be golden, playfully light….
And strong enough to embrace the darkness that resides within.
In Allegoria, play is a living form of make-believe where we allow ourselves to explore the worlds we truly wish to live in.
Here, permission is given to PLAY because there is no tomorrow, no dinner time and no curfew.
Allegoria is a haven for all things strange and fantastic, a portal to realms of the imagination from all times –all periods.
The age old definitions of light-dark are but playful conventions to the citizens of Allegoria; and understood to be essential components of the Grand Play here in this enchanted world of worlds.
Allegoria invites us to remember the time when we experience the world with rose tinted hue.
Avatars of Allegoria, may we lose ourselves to the allure of MYSTERY, here on the edge of imaginations fertile plain.
Fairy Tales, children’s tales, folk tales, mythology and legend are the roadmaps to start us on our adventures.
Who of us has not been touched at some point by the power and beauty contained in timeless tales; enchanted woods and shining caves, Fairy Queens and innocence regained?
Why? Because every last one of us, no matter how we may grieve the loss of our wings, have mythic blood in our veins.
The many faces of the hero, the goddess and all manner of archetypal personas
Invite us to meet them, here in our blood… in the sunny glades and misty meadows of Allegoria.
To feel wonder without guilt, to feel our childlike nature without self-awareness, to be spontaneous, to peek into the dark forests of our psyches and laugh …..this is Allegoria beckoning.

Invocation in Shamandala
Truth is personal, and yet the world assumes to tell you that your business is in accepting Truth as a commodity, a thing to be bartered, sold and prostituted.
The world would tell you that you cannot possibly be an expert on Beauty, and that you must accept THE standards, TRUST the professionals.
So, we consume what we are told is Truth.
We accept foreign models of Beauty as our own, selling ourselves out every day, in so many ways because ….because….
Because every day we spin from the wheel of poisons….self-doubt, lack of self love, fear of humiliation, fear of not belonging, fear of your own power, of not being received, of being too bold…
Yet, and how I love…yet…
the tide is turning, friends- and we all know it
the tide is turning and we feel it pulling in our bones like some Pied Piper….
We are called here not only because we cannot contain the Truths we are all experiencing …but because we choose to celebrate them!
…though in celebration, our truth may make us appear Unique, perhaps even foolish and plunge us into strange waters….who cares?
Lets take the chance together…if it helps you out, I’ll make a fool of myself first….
Our truths, our perceptions, what we choose to hold dear…. If these things are the only true possessions we really have, of course I want to share them!
….And if life is an experience economy, is this not our only real, true currency?
We are remarkable creations, humans, experience engines designed for infinite expression, exploration and Ecstasy.
Though by some you would meet, you would think we are merely recording devices at best; designed to mimic and parody everything we consume.
So Let me tell you this, friend, I am not interested in your regurgitated ‘Spirituality’.
Lets be Playful Masters together.
Let’s experience the harvest all our tools now have to afford us,
And though we celebrate our many diverse tools; healing, magickal, shamanic , philosophical tools…let us not forget…..
Playful Mastery is the point at which we can set our tools down because they have become such a part of us.
The Masters Play because they know direct experience is the goal : infinite reward and infinite learning.
What need do we have now for the Tools Enlightenment, there is too much Beauty to explore.
Truth flows and so do we,
Venturing forth….our sails full, the Shining Stars leading the way…
straight on
into the Heart of Creation.


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