Superstar Avatar-The Science of Celebration

Here you find writings, musings and rantings from Prof Violet (A.K.A. Scott) on all things Superstar Avatar - The Science of Celebration

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Beauty Engine Revisited

gotta get this going....
it's just a matter of time

The Beauty Engine Experience

Beauty defined-
Anything that brings us up close and personal with The Divine

The Beauty Engine Experience
A true cocreation, an experience of shared Beauty and exploration
Future culture now, Salon of possibilities, Embodiment and Deep Wisdom
Rejuvenation, Inspiration, Catalyzation

Beauty Engine breaks down into:
Beauty Engine Avatars (‘Beauty Engineers’)
The guests are invited to create their ‘Beauty Engine Avatars’
Beauty Powers (SuperPowers)
All participants are invited to create their Beauty Powers
Engine Dynamics (Social Mechanics)
The social dynamics by which all Avatars collectively agree to interact
Beautiful Hosts (Starguide)
Hosts assist participants in having a pleasureable and rewarding experience
Beautiful Pilots (StarPilots)
Beauty Engineers who script and facilitate deeper experiences for the others

The BE Experience:

A Holistic experience combining-
The Aesthetic
The Intellectual
The Emotional
The Physical

Curated topics to include all of the above:
(No two Beauty Engines will ever be the same…)
Presenters and Speakers
Holistic practitioners
Healers and Shamans
Artists- analog and digital
Philosophers and Mystics
Culinary Arts
Future Sciences

Monthly event
Create a Beauty Engine House
Website page on Mission Control
Examples of Beauty cards
Start cultivating list of invitees and create invite promo

Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see Beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see Beauty never grows old. --Frank Kafka
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. --Eleanor RooseveltI look forward to an America which will not be afraid of grace and beauty.
-John Fitzgerald KennedyBeauty is not in the face;beauty is a light in the heart.
-Khalil Gibran,
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.
~John Muir
In everyone's heart there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty.
~Christopher MorleyScott Levkoff
Prof Violet
'Lifes A Game, Are You Playing?'


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