Superstar Avatar-The Science of Celebration

Here you find writings, musings and rantings from Prof Violet (A.K.A. Scott) on all things Superstar Avatar - The Science of Celebration

Monday, May 24, 2004

Timeline for The SUperstar Avatar Phenomenon

Timeline for The Superstar Nation and The Birth of The Superstar Avatar Phenomenon
(…this account found in a rum bottle floating back through hyperspace)

1997, Sept. - Cocreation Meme/ Code downloaded from LotusLightShip at Burningman Festival, Professor Violet is Born

1998, Sept.- Eternal Return ‘Lotus’ Project attempts to launch cocreation code –‘Lotus’ fails to open (on many levels), Professor Violet shifts focus from ‘product’ to ‘process’

1999-2000 - cocreation code empirically studied and isolated in existing communities as
a set of tribal ‘social’ standards

2000, Maui- first attempt at packaging Cocreation Code- titled, ‘The Good Game’ (quickly deemed too naïve for mainstream)

2001, Winter- Prof Violet Meets Polly Pandemonium, Polly begins cross-referencing her knowledge of ‘social’ etiquette code with the Professors’, code starts to ground as a practical set of standards and etiquette for social exchange and interaction

Feb 2001- ‘The Good Game’ becomes the first basic draft of Superstar Avatar mixing aspects of live-role play, improve character study, basic social etiquette and playful aesthetic narratives

March, 2001 -Prof. V and Poly explore creation S. A. Game company in LA with business partners, create the world of ‘Hollywood Exotica’

June, 2002 – a traditional Superstar ‘business’ model proves non-viable yet yields valuable information/experience for Polly and The Prof.

2002- Polly and The Prof establish base of operations at Mission Control, begin
work on S.A. as a ‘grass-roots’ social celebration project

2003- Mission Control is brought to life as a living container for Superstar Avatar
Kinky Salon is born as a rent party and transforms into an intentional community with the help of the Superstar tools

2003, summer – Phil Fortuna comes on board as Business advisor, kicks Polly and
Prof’s collective butt
· Polly and Prof V isolate the cocreation code as a type of Social Genome called- ‘The Beauty Engine’ (a narrative set of standards for interaction and exchange), basic revenue models identified

2003, summer work begins on creation of a Superstar Avatar website using the standards of the Beauty Engine ‘Social Genome’

2003, Fall- programmer found, Katin Imes and they collectively begin work on online tools which enable creation of Avatars and Powers

2004- Winter, Kinky Salon community self organizes, adopts the convention of ‘Hosts’ as a way of distributing Accountability

2004, Spring – Superstar Avatar tools begin playtesting- Superstar Nation is born
· Community of Avatars arise, powers are exchanged at playtest sessions at Mission Control and out in the real world
· SF Weekly Article comes out followed by other media projects
· Superstar Documentary- ‘ Birth of a Superstar Nation’ begins shooting
· Kinky Salon May Day Ball- card play used at Ball to facilitate playful exchange between communities for the first time, local celebrities lend their ‘powers’ for cards
· Superstar Appearances at other venues and communities, Nation builds as ‘invite only’ policy brings more Avatar- quality of play increases

2004, early summer-
· increased functionality of website paired with media/ community awareness speeds up quality and quantity of play
· Superstar tools used to facilitate social gatherings
· Districts and Houses start to self-organize, Avatars being self-organizing
· Superstar Boothes and VIP rooms appear at various venues and clubs-
Avatars Host experiences, create avatars for newbies

Investors and Philanthropists begin to appear

2004, Aug-sept. Superstar tools infect BurningMan community, theme camps and individuals host creation stations, activities and avatar play
Next year, Burning Man Festival adopts Superstar as tools for interaction in many theme camps
‘Feudal’ style Avatar Districts emerge as ‘Autonomous Zones’

Superstar Nation Traveling Medicine Show begins planning stages- ‘tent show’ tour of US presenting the ‘History of Celebration’ and Superstar as the next inevitable phase of Popular Entertainment

Superstar play optioned by Perry Farrel/ Lollapalooza type festivals ; the next summer- kids across America create avatars and powers, exchange powers in the RED Bull sponsored tent hosted by local celebrities

Celebrities begin to take an interest in Superstar Avatar as a phenomenon, initial Reality TV talks begin and interest builds in the ‘celebrity activist’ quality of the tools
Woody Harrelson proposes an ‘Avatars Take America’ Tour- he is refused

Avatar ‘training’ camps and Mystery Schools emerge and offer high-resonant training play, group journey
Dedicated Avatar environments start to appear, supporting the most popular Districts
Superstar Avatar seeks out and supports ‘Tools for Play and Consciousness’ by providing inviting formats within its’ Reality Scripting functionality.

Superstar functionality offered free to all educational groups, non-profits and community leaders via a Superstar not-for profit organization.
Superstar Avatars mobilize as community leaders and advocates of The Science of Celebration

Superstar begins open source, shareware phase- new features proliferate,
P2p functionality emerges enabling ‘hosts’ as hubs for cluster communities

Superstar Documentary- ‘Superstar Avatar- Birth of a Phenomenon’ plays at Sundance
Film Festival

Superstar card-play functionality optioned by major cell phone company as ‘life scripting’ component, seen as exciting new way to build customer loyalty, build brand, provide ‘stickiness’

Superstar Avatar functionality recognized as a ‘trans-platform’ standard; Interfaces emerge linking PDA’s, Cell phones, web-tv, home computers and at network enabled avatar kiosks at various locations.

Cell phones dock with home computers to load cards, which can then be ‘beamed’ to other phones using same app

Superstar Reality TV Spots begin appearing on Game Channel Network, !E Channel, EDGE TV, PlayBoy TV
Superstar Reality TV Show soon optioned by new FOX/ Google Network

Product Partnerships with Novelty and Game Manufacturers accelerates functionality of ‘experience economy’model

Wizards of the Coast option the ‘live role playing’ aspects of Superstar Avatar as a new kind of Reality Gaming Model; modules for existing properties emerges
Cosplay Nation adopts decks for use at Cosplay conventions

Companies start emulating Supertsar functionality for their brands-
Superstar cards with mag strips now available in cereal boxes; activating special features at DisneyLand, Chuck E. Cheese and The Malls of America Play Zones

Goods and Services providers scramble to align and support ‘Avatar play and Avatar communities’

Global Superstar Communities emerge, Touring Global Festival opens LotusLightSHip across the planet as a symbol of Planetary Connectivity-Celebration- Cocreativity

Experience Economy is born,
Cocreative Process recognized as essential to The Sovereign Human


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