Superstar Avatar-The Science of Celebration

Here you find writings, musings and rantings from Prof Violet (A.K.A. Scott) on all things Superstar Avatar - The Science of Celebration

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

An invitation to THE MARVELOUS

Hey you- Ecstatic Visionaries, Fun Seekers and WonderPunks...
Shake off that grey sleep, Oh, dreaming hearts and ignite!
Strange newness beckons to us, whispering- ‘cast off your old skin...’
Curtains, like old treasure maps, draw back to reveal The Play.
Together, shall we step into this ‘Theater in The Round’
this Mythic life, a Theater of the Marvelous...
and become wondrous?
Its time to get our Mojo on.
Where The Mythic Call is sounded, at last, Realities’ grip shall come ungrounded!
(and triumphantly all doubts confounded!)

Life as ART  

23 years ago, I found a personally influential book titled-
‘The Theater of The Marvelous- Surrealism and The Contemporary Stage’ in the UCSC library and this morning, found myself intuitively reaching for it again on my top shelf. As I leafed through key pages and passages, it came back to me in a flash…what I had been striving for all these years, the quest I had been on all these years…..
‘what are the tools, the community, the players and the means by which to bring the wildly creative, gorgeous world  we know is possible, into existence?’
How do we court Wonder, Awe and Sublimely Ridiculous Beauty- that life and The World may consciously become The Grand Art Project we know it to be?
Can a social movement be engineered?
We are finding each other, connecting to our companions of destiny, in these endeavors.
Collectively have honed our parts –our skills-our talents, our ability to improv on any theme.
We took it on the road, without rehearsal, and opened the portal magnificently.
All Signs point to yes.
Its upon us.
The ominous boom-boom-boom of great drums beats in the distance, looming shadows of Global this and that bear down upon us...
..but under it, if you listen, as i know most of you have, you can hear it...
another song, underneath most melodic and wondrous strange, one that quickens the pulse and opens the heart...
The Mythic Call has sounded and we respond accordingly to our natures, or are we?
Are we truly rising to the call Evolution has put on our tables?
Are we doing the best we can in riding out to meet the current challenges with our ‘Mystic Fire’ tucked close at hand, our hearts courageous, our visions blazing, our allies close by and our eyes intent on the rising dawn before us?
For ‘We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams...’ We are the mingling blodlines of  those that came  before us….
We are the Mythmakers, the Ecstatic Technopriests, Dakini Bambinis, Priestesses, Artists and Bards, Bacchantes and Dionysian Lovers of  Truth and Beauty, the children of beatniks and hippies, seekers and activists.
In our blood we can hear the call, the invitation to do miracles...if we have the courage to rise to it!
We are part of a conscious tradition which has always brought new light in through the cracks of the old….and as a band of merry fools and archetypally charged evolutionary agents, we inhabit ART as our vehicle for serving up invitational, magical, participatory transformative experiences.
The joy we feel when we’re together accelerates our inner fire and ignites those around us.
We are The Players of The Marvelous and a New Game emerges from our play.
This is becoming a very tangible reality now.
The Finite Game of the old world, which is defined by winners and losers, is giving way to the far more attractive and appealing  Infinite Game, which is defined by increasing quality of play for all players…. Lets stay the course….and throw the Party At The End of Time we really do get to play mini golf and wear tiny hats.


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