Superstar Avatar-The Science of Celebration

Here you find writings, musings and rantings from Prof Violet (A.K.A. Scott) on all things Superstar Avatar - The Science of Celebration

Monday, May 24, 2004

Deep Musings from The Professor

Superstar Avatar Flight Plan 1.0
From: Professor Violet
Being a Transmission from The Lotus LightShip-
currently hovering somewhere within The Superstar Nation- on the full moon

Greetings to you-
My fellow avatars, Kinky Salon community members, Sex-Kitten Priestesses,
Ecstatic Terrorists, seekers of Truth and Beauty, Heroic servants to The Goddess and all those divinely possessed by StarFireGold that courses through our veins.
Greetings from The Lotus LightShip, humming and hovering here at Mission Control.
Many of you will not know me or recognize this ’voice’.
Though my grasp on words (and Reality…) may seem a bit strange and fruity to you, for best effect, i invite you to allow the ESSENCE of what is transmitted here to simply wash over you.
So, tuck your head under your arm, dear friends, and let us sit to Tea for a bit,
Here, in the twilight realms of Infinite Possibility and Wonder.
Here, aboard The Lotus LightShip, a ‘party central’ nexus of Evolution.

Allow me to introduce myself-
I am Professor Violet -the Dreaming Avatar- 001,
A Lotus-Born Hyper Dimensional Medicine Man, Rainbow Serpent Rider and Harmonic Navigator-
A Superstar L’amourian Priest/ess, Champion of BEAUTY and Experience Designer
The Man Behind The Superstar Avatar Curtain

Though part of me is still reluctant to admit it, I awoke within The Cosmic Mandala of Creations’ own Heart, one desert night, 6 years ago.
I was brought to a fierce state of awareness (and humbled to my metaphorical knees) by the POWER THAT IS, which I found, much to my surprise, residing within my own heart.

I admit it is my fond allegiance to the FOOL which allows me to come out and share such ridiculous sentiments for I have no desire to be anyone’s saviour.
Well, a Fool’s tongue and a ‘sometimes’ heart of pure, violet flame.

Hear this, Avatars Realized and those still sleeping…
The Starry Gold is rising in the blood!
Come out, come out wherever you are, Avatars of near and far!

Spare no magnificence, no matter how awkward or fledgling you might feel yourselves to be!
We are so young, so new….
Come out and play, tentative hearts!
….and take stock in the fact that there are many among us that DO support you.
That do share the fear of being ridiculed in your amazing strangeness.

In The Name of The True Gold of The Soul-
Cast off the fear that binds you!

You all feel it though you might not recognize it for what it is.
Our Destiny with Ecstatic Wonder!

The avatar skins that many of you have worn as chrysalis these many years no longer serve you, am I right?
Yet, you are afraid of losing your identity, of losing your community and friends if you explore the bold new territory that beckons from within you-

In our very private moments, do we not allow ourselves to sing and pretend we are the very essence of unbounded love and personal power?
In your secret sanctums, do we not feel it pulsing through our veins and open ourselves to a kind of undeniable Glory?
In our heart of hearts, do we not harbor secret fairy tale endings and moon-filled meadows where we are wed to our TRUE loves in ecstatic embrace?

Though society would tell you that this is pride of the EGO, a form of delusional, self-serving vanity…this desire to experience ourselves as ‘God like’…
Good news.
The Superstar Nation is rising.
I see you all in your magnificence,
….and yet you continue to feel separate, alone.
You feel unsupported in your desires to embody your truth here on Earth.
You begin to open yourselves to your muses, to each other, beginning

You do not need to seek permission from ANYONE to embody the essence of the TRUTH you feel rising within you.
Why? Because there is no-one to ask.

Its like human evolution is a dance and the Earth is a great dance hall.
Our past is sitting in stiff chairs against the wall, still stuck in the present.
We are afraid to ask the pretty girl/ the handsome gentleman to dance, for fear of refusal.
Or fears’ sake or doubt or self-loathing; pick your poison.
Yet, (and oh how I love the YET…)
… strains of a beautiful melody come to us –washing over us from some orchestra sight unseen, melodies cascading through us in strange and thrilling ways-
We close our eyes and allow this… ‘pulling’ at every cell in our body…
…ultimately, surrendering ourselves to this magnificent feeling.

Then, we join with the essence of Waltz itself and we understand.
Someone has to be first on the dance floor.


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