Alchemical Invocation-Evocation
In Praise of the Creation of Beautiful things
Creation Act Sex Act Listening Act Receiving Act
Narrative climbs up the spine of the rainbow Serpent to The Sun God
Alchemy transmits science via the scent of flowers
the gentleness of touch
the Covenant of the Rainbow
The Precision of Snowflakes
Lamps and lights, Stars and Glowing Lotuses
All traced to every story ever written
The Goddess Dances and invites us to dance with her
Scent and Sweat, the group dissolves ecstatically into New Formation
Cycle Fused by 7 Powered by 5
Woven by 9 Founded by 3 Emraced by 6
Triangulating New Arrival coordinates in N-Dimensionility
Surrender to the moments of collectively orchestrated pleasure!
Relax into the arms of the Beloved, awaiting you in the gaze of trusted companions
Transpersonal activation of collective Shamaness through Sensual celebration
Invite and Ask
Give Praise and Give Thanx
Finding the silence in moments of sexually charged chaos
Loose matrices of avatar designations, chosen and picked, shared and compared
Narratives of discovery, healing, wonder, reconciliation, triumphant victory,
Acknowledgement, communion, forgiveness
The Sun The Moon The Star- The Three Strange Angels
Lotus LightSHip humms in the Future Moment, attenuates to the Rainbow frequencies coursing in our bodies
Diamond Frequency Buddha Grace emanates from our crystalline nectar conduit
Iron Headed Serpent Drives into the Abyss of the Core, Fount of Emerald Blood
Nine Gifts from the Underworld give passage, collect stories, pay tribute and reveal the secret programs of our true lineages
The Faery Court and Underhill, Gates and Portals, Windows and Chalices
Swords and Mirrors, Crowns of Flames and Powdered Gold
They whisper Amber and Rose
Hold forth Roots and Masks of Beads, Tendrils weaving and reaching
In the ecstatic giving of the self, we know ourselves ever more
In the sharing of gifts and the mutual adoration of Beauty there is no grabbing!
Goddess says- ‘All acts of Pleasure and Beauty are my rituals!’
Abundance is felt as a continuously flowing dynamic
Moving through us, as us…. to parts unknowable
Taking the essence of our ecstatic moment ….of communion…. with it
To enrich the whole
To lift and flavor and colour the mandala
Rainbow Lights sequencing the Ship
signaling arrival from
The Wondrous Mystery, here to the knowable present experienced against
All warnings and cautionary tales-
Abandon All Despair Ye Who Enter Here!
True light is beyond all human notions of both light and dark
True Light of Beingness invites us to expand beyond all thoughts
All comprehensions, beyond all limitations….all these words
Beingness of True Light is the most Ecstatic State of communion possible
Are you open to The Central Sun within your Heart?
For it cleanses and gracefully works with our local mind-body-heart-soul in expanding according to ever more subtle frequencies
Fool Magicians stumble between desire and emptiness
Seeking to fill the cup
Seek to empty the cup
to lose all thoughts of a cup at all
And thus becoming the cup, increasingly ever more
Be filled with Creations Light!
So Mote It Be x3, x3
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