Superstar Avatar-The Science of Celebration

Here you find writings, musings and rantings from Prof Violet (A.K.A. Scott) on all things Superstar Avatar - The Science of Celebration

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Invocation To The Ecstatic Moment

Greetings fellow avatars, Sex-Kitten Priestesses, Ecstatic Terrorists, seekers of Truth and Beauty, Heroic servants to The Goddess and all those divinely possessed by the StarFire Mojo that courses through our veins.
Greetings, The Lotus LightShip welcomes you…

This flight plan is entitled:
‘An Invocation to The Ecstatic Moment’

I should like to properly introduce myself-
I am Professor Violet –the Imperative Avatar Program- 001,
Lotus-Born Hyper Dimensional Medicine Man, Rainbow Serpent Rider, Harmonic Navigator, HummingBird Warrior, Superstar L’amourian Priest/ess, Champion of BEAUTY and Experience Designer Par Excellance

So Sayeth The Star-
The Superstar Nation is rising.
I see you all in your magnificence, indeed shine as you In Magnificence!
and yet you continue to feel alone and unsupported in your desires to embody your truth here on Earth.
Open yourselves to your MEDICINE, to each others’,and feel within you the place in which You do not need permission from ANYONE to embody the essence of TRUTH you feel rising within you.

Know this, Avatars that sleep…
....the Starry Gold is rising in the blood!

In The Name of The True Gold of The Soul-
Engulf the fear that binds you with your True Power!
Invoke your Violet Flame Super Powers and clear the channels so that you may hear the New World Science rising from within
Emerging from the gift of your true selves.

So Sayeth The Sun-
I Am the Original Beauty Engine
A seed creation ever beginning, in you!
Flame letters scribe impossible origins within your chest
A tale of lifes’ invitation shining in all things
Inviting us to drink from the spring that flows within the hearts deepest chamber-
My heart in You As Spring Eternal…So Seek No Further AND Drink!
So Sayeth The Sun, Abandon All Despair –Ye Who Enter Me…So Enter!
Abreq Ad Habra, So Mote It Be!

Now, Wonder And Delight,
Set our compass once again to light-

So Sayeth The Moon-
I Am the Maiden Starry Mother who leads you to dance with the world
twine yourself with the melody of my longing
Open to receive me, desire and enjoy all earthly pleasure and BEAUTY as my rituals!
I, Maiden starry mother who in my glittering raiments may reveal myself to you one desert night as a Mystery Embodied…As Beloved Union quenched here and now and in every moment
Gratitude and Praise!

To the children of the moon and flowers that dwell within the twilight essence of shining stones and moist grottoes
To those of the Gaian Heart of Beauty embodied
We Sing thy praises!
Faire allies of the Seely and Unseely courts
As our blood twines by moonvine and mirth merriment
We Vow to ring in The New World Revels!
Freedom and Beauty take flight!
Gratitude and Praise!

So Sayeth both-
To The Horned and Hooved,Feathered and Scaled…
Thundering haunches and winged hissing coils furling and arching across the arch of time
feathered rainbow light above and flashing swift strength in the Wood
If we are Truly humbled and Truly bold enough to behold THAT magnificence within our cells
We shall Rise together as One Great Central Sun
Gratitude and Praise!

To the spirit of the fool who gives us courage to laugh and feel joy in spite of it all
Joey Grimaldi Puccinello Bumble
You ageless echo laughing at our first fall, too old to die
In you we are the spirit of the Eternally Green
In you we are the spirit of the May Faire
Dust and straw painted in our bones a ridiculous assembly of slapstick finery
Good Times Ringing Eternal!
Merry Merry Hey, Merry hey!
Gratitude and Praise!

In living praise, Maiden becomes Mother in these festivities
Whispering to the congregation of things found and joined
Of healing and soft victories
In Celebration she fills us with moments of remembrance when all is brought to right and thus becoming so!
So Let us sing Praises to the countless dervishes, harlequins, gypsy magdelenes and dakini bambinis aflame with the Shekinah!
Let us sing gratitude to all those inebriated of the Goddess that have,
In their hot-tongued pursuit of their own awakening helped show us the way!Gratitude and Praise!

In our celebrations, in our revels, our dance and love making,
we rise together and fill with a new light
expanding the joy of Creations Grand Play-

And So Sayeth The Star-
I am the calling forth from the secret rising dawn,
a shining wind
Blowing from a boundless space
I am empty so that I may receive Creations’ Grace
Rose Dawn singing in a Golden void
Shine! Shine forth your light bringing gladness,
fellow stars of Emerald and Sappire
Spill forth, spill out and be Radiant with becoming!
in Joining, we are a new-hued wonder, magnificent to behold….

For the Good of The Whole and The One
We invoke direct experience of the ECSTATIC MOMENT for all beings
And Thus Dedicate The Science Of Celebration
Merry Merry Hey Merry Hey!
The call is sent out
That the Collective Avatar may breathe delight!

Great Mystery, hear us as we accept your invitation into Avatar Stewardship
We the SuperStar Avatars of LotusLightShip Earth will activate the flight plan of Earths’ Victory in Eternity by Merry means or none at all!
So Say We!
Merry Merry Hey Merry hey!
The Cheer of our collective Victory has been rising since the beginning…you know the one???

(Collective Avatars rising as ships, pulsing Diamond frequencies from the shores of collective intent, Sounded here, in timelessness?)

Rosa Mystica Awaken in The Heart of Everything
And Fill us with the gold that we are!

Radiant Gold
Radiant Black
Rose Blood Light Singing Our True Lineages
Behold! Divine Transforming Science of True Will!


Human evolution is a dance and the Earth is a great dance hall.
… strains of a beautiful melody wash over us from some orchestra sight unseen, notes cascading through us in strange and thrilling ways-
We close our eyes and allow this music… to‘pull’ at every cell in our body…
…and we surrender ourselves.
effortlessly- we join with the essence of Waltz itself and suddenly we understand.
Someone has to be first on the dance floor….


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